miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

Reading; Predict missing lines.
Listening: Listen for specific information.
Speaking: Talk about abilities and talents; Ask permission to borrow something.
Writing: Write commands.
Reading: Read for specific information; Study a graph.
Listening: Listen for specific i information and complete a chart.
Speaking: Talk about routines and activities.
Writing: Write about your typical day or week.

Reading: Read for specific information; Read a map.
Listening: Listen For specific information.
Speaking: Talk about Favorite places; Make suggestion.
Writing: Organize information in a chart.

Reading: Preview and predict an article.
Listening: Listen to an interview for pecific information.
Speaking: Talk about favorite places in a houe; Ask Yes/No questions about a picture; As what someone's doing now.
Writing: Write messages about weekend plans.